A brief list of WordPress Plugins that we have found useful . Following, is a list of plugins that we have used in various sites and have found to be useful and reliable. CKEDITOR Replaces the default editor for working
Migrating Email to Google Apps
This is a very rough guide to migrating your mail service to Google Apps. There is a lot of nice documentation on the Google site itself, but I felt that certain things were missing, or I had to hunt down
Disinfecting WordPress
WordPress is constantly being updated, but a WordPress site can become infected with malware by bypassing the WordPress security itself. Here are some tips on how we typically disinfect a site. – Change all ftp user passwords. For a Dreamhost
WordPress Security
WordPress is increasing in popularity as both a blogging tool and as a full-featured website. Security concerns for this popular web platform have increased along with the popularity. WORDPRESS USERS Within WordPress is a list of users that can do
Office Move Checklist
An outline of a moving checklist and timeline. Includes tasks for moving phone lines, phone numbers and cabling installation too. netCorps Moving Checklist —————————————– Move Date Minus 6 Weeks —————————————– @ Old Location – Order Internet service and phone service
Favorite WordPress Themes
Here is a short list of WordPress themes that we like and some reasons why. Below, please find a list of suggested sites for reviewing WordPress templates. Here are a few things to keep in mind when reviewing themes: –
Basic Functional Specifications Checklist for WordPress Websites
This is the worksheet that we go through with clients to help them determine what they want in a WordPress site. WordPress Website Planning and Basic Functional Specifications This is a checklist for creating your Basic Functional Specifications, the list
Why won’t my printer work in Windows 7?
The short answer is: drivers. Think of a driver as a translator; it’s the go between that takes commands from your computer, and relays them to the printer in a language it can understand. And like our spoken languages, there
Windows 7 Benchmark Testing
When asked, netCorps staff has recommended purchasing new computers with Windows 7 on them, but cautioned against upgrading older systems until the hardware could be tested. We did some testing in October 2011 to see how well Windows 7 performs
ISP Cutover Checklist
An outline of tasks to consider and a timeline for switching your ISP (includes phone service switching too). netCorps ISP Cutover Checklist Note: This example references switching to Comcast as the new Internet service provider and telephone provider. —————————————– Cutover