The short answer is: drivers. Think of a driver as a translator; it’s the go between that takes commands from your computer, and relays them to the printer in a language it can understand. And like our spoken languages, there
Windows 7 Benchmark Testing
When asked, netCorps staff has recommended purchasing new computers with Windows 7 on them, but cautioned against upgrading older systems until the hardware could be tested. We did some testing in October 2011 to see how well Windows 7 performs
Editing a Hyperlink in Outlook 2007 Signature
This came out of a problem where no matter how we tried to use the signature editor in Outlook 2007 we could not change the hyperlink associated with an image in the signature. These same steps may also be required
Green IT: Minimizing the Environmental Footprint of Your Technology Systems
Folks have finally awakened to the reality of climate change. While many are worried that it all will still be “too little, too late”, there is exciting momentum building in all sorts of areas–from renewable energy technologies (from big to